PROJECT | ADB Funded Third Roads Improvement Project |
CLIENT | Road Development Authority |
PROJECT DURATION | Commenced in July 1995. – Completed on 30th July 2000 |
PROJECT STATUS | Completed successfully |
BACK GROUND | Sri Lanka’s overall Road Network totals 97,000Km of which 33,000Km are paved, and most of them have been built many years ago, and since had few improvements. While a number of bridges are structurally deficient and narrow for traffic, lengths of road throughout the country have shown that pavement failure is imminent.
Due to unforeseen traffic growth both in volume and loading, inadequate designs and insufficient budget over the years the conditions of these roads have deteriorated, and need a major rehabilitation effort. Recognizing this need the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) with the assistance from ADB has identified and is implementing a project for the rehabilitation of selected road sections and their associated structures on the National Trunk Routes. The project was executed by the Road Development Authority (RDA) Ministry of Highways, Environmental, and Women’s Affairs, under the direction of the Director Contracts Management (DCM). |
SERVICE | The Project Management Group undertook the monitoring and co-ordination of all project related activities under the direction of the Director Construction Management to ensure that all activities are implemented in a timely and cost effective manner
The Team Leader did set up, with the assistance of the two other Engineers to be recruited, suitable project monitoring control and co-ordination system and procedures which enabled the DCM and through him, RDA’s Management to expedite decisions and action to speed up project implementation Specifically the Team Leader was required to Compile information necessary for RDA to follow-up work programmes and check their execution within established time schedule, designs, and cost parameters.