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LAN Management Development Service (Pvt) Ltd
Pioneer Project Management Consulting Organization in Sri Lanka Established in 1991

94 112 815392
189/1B, Nawala Road, Nugegoda 10250, Sri Lanka
Telephone: 94 112 815392 | Mobile: +94778109911 | Fax: 94 112 815390

National Association of Construction Contractors, Sri Lanka

PROJECT Contract Management and Advisory Services to members of ACCSL working in Mahaweli Areas.
CLIENT National Association of Construction Contractors, Sri Lanka
COMPLETION DATE Completed in February 1992
BACK GROUND It has been observed during the last few years that most of the contractors working in Mahaweli Areas were unable to complete the projects without time and cost overrun. Therefore, the ACCSL, which is the solitary organization of the contractors in Sri Lanka, initiated this assignment with a view to helping its members to upgrade their contract performance.
  • To study the contract documents of each of the contracts and to propose necessary amendments or improvements
  • To assist the contracts to prepare construction programmes, labour schedules, material schedules, cash flows etc.
  • To advise the contractors on corrective measures to be taken to upgrade the performance of the projects and to complete them to time
OUTCOME 04 Reports were submitted to the Client. A tremendous improvement of the performance of these projects was observed during and after this assignment.